Hooray I am officially on holiday as of the 4th August until the 15th August 2009.
My plan Spend time soaking up the sun in Durban and take it easy and meet up with some Twitter folks from Durban.
The FlightThis has been the longest flight to Durban via Port Elizabeth lasting just under 3 hours. I have lost hearing in my right ear due to the change in altitude. This ear popping sensation lasted for 20 minutes of the flight when we were descending altitude and preparing to land in Durban.

(Left to Right) Left: Kulula flight attendant performing Mandatory Instruction drill
Right: Matthew Buckland of 24.com featured in an article in Kulula's inflight magazine Comic Life
Airport Scenes

(Left to Right) Left: Touch down Durban
Right: Creative branding on Kulula airplane
TwitterAirports around SA are gearing up for th 2010 World Cup and are branding the Airplanes and yes there has been some mention about this on Twitter.

@art2gee Tweet about Kulula/1Time airplane 2010 branding